Planlama sorunları hakkında dünyanın farklı ülkelerinden gelen çok sayıda akademisyenin sunum yapacağı konferansın önümüzdeki yıllarda da sürdürülmesi planlanıyor.
Etkinlik dili İngilizce olan konferansın programı şöyle:
08:30 Registration
09:15 Opening Session Zeynep Güler
09:30 While My Informal Gently Weeps Erbatur Çavuşoğlu, Julia Strutz
09:45 Retaking Istanbul, Rethinking the City Nadia Nur
10:00 The Space of "Tactics": Un-cool Istanbul Asiye Akgün Gültekin, Erdem Üngür
10:15 Changing Space Experiences in Istanbul: Public Places and Everyday Life Emine Zeynep Güler
10:30 Discussion
10:45 Coffee Break
11:00 Housing Informality as Wicked Problems? Building Evidence for Better Practice Tendayi Gondo, James Chakwizira, Joseph Binala
11:15 A Mobility of One's Own. Explorations on Informality and Movement in the Milan Urban Region Giovanni Vecchio
11:30 Through the Bazaars of Mumbai; Informality a Critical Analysis (Dharavi, Mumbai) Sameera Rao, Ashlesha Kale
11:45 Discussion
12:00 Lunch
13:20 Urban Informality: A Critical Analysis of Dharavi (Mumbai) for Social Design Sameera Rao, Burcu Yiğit Turan
13:35 Landscape Strategies for Informal Settlements: Introducing Agro-puncture as Catalyst to Shape the Urban Form. The Case of Këneta, Albania Valbona Koci
13:50 Arab Gulf Cities: Competing Identities of Cosmopolitanism vs. Localism Kawee Jarach, Mark Speece
14:05 Informal Space versus Formal Norm: Informal Settlement Populations’ Perception of the Right to Adequate Housing Julia Cruz, Melissa Martins Casagrande
14:20 Discussion
14:35 Coffee Break
14:50 Neighborhood Vendors and the Internal Economy of the Slum: Informal Livelihoods Among the Chorinically Poor in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Laura Stark, Tiina-Riitta Lappi
15:05 The State-led Gentrification behind Commoditized Regeneration: The Clearance of Hua-Guang Community under the Neoliberal Collage from Taipei Wall Street to Taipei Roppongi I-Chih Lan
15:20 Food, Health and Labor: (im)migrant Agency in the Production of Informal Economic Systems in Mexico Lorena Munoz
15:35 Migrant Communities, Informality and the Challenge of Redevelopment Projects in Chinese Megacities Bettina Gransow
15:40 Discussion
16:00 Coffee Break
16:15 The state-led gentrification behind commoditized regeneration: The clearance of Hua-Guang community under the neoliberal collage from Taipei Wall Street to Taipei Roppongi I-Chih Lan, Chen-Jai Lee
16:30 The Condition of Informality: the Mechanism of Informal Activities in Structure of Governance, Autonomy and Places Yibo Xu
16:45 Corruption Affecting Cairo's Small Businesses in Formal and Informal Areas Ahmed Fayed
09:00 Virtual Presentation: Urban Sustainability and Connectivity in Gated Housing Compounds in Cairo Usama Nassar, Ahmad Fathi, Ahmed Saleh
09:15 Virtual Presentation: Living Bridges on The River Nile: A Vision to Enhance Urban Space Informality and Usage Usama Nassar, Ahmad Fathi, Ahmed Saleh
09:30 Virtual Presentation: Informal Public Space Design by Water Caterina Gallizioli
09:45 Virtual Presentation: Advantage of Lidar Profiling in Irregular Settlement Plinio Temba
10:00 Virtual Presentation: Social Capital and Morphology of Informality in the City of Queretaro Claudia Ortiz Chao, Miguel Angel Llamas Estrada, Stefania Biondi, Fabio Andreassi, Donato Di Ludovico
10:15 Urban Planning Failure and the Tale of Two Informal Neighbourhoods of Accra, Nima and Old Fadama: Same Outcome Separated by Time and Space? George Owusu, Joseph Teye, Mariama Awumbila
10:30 The Study of the Effects of Reciprocal Social and Economical Interactions in Habitants in Informal Habitants on Their Neighbouring Cities and Vice Versa: Zoor-Abad, Karaj Azam Afsharnia, Negar Namjoo, Zahra Tafreshi Rad
10:45 Promoting Spatial Diversity as A Tool to Improve Neighborhood’s Livelihood through Informality: Case of Keparakan District, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Jimly Al Faraby
11:00 Land Tenure and Informality in Dohfar, Oman Elnazir Ramadan
11:15 Discussion
11:30 Coffee Break
11:45 Informal Development in New Delhi - Evaluating the Operational Dimension of Policies, Plans and Projects Swati Kulashri
12:00 The Informality and the Urban Settlement in Indonesian Towns and Cities Teguh Utomo Atmoko
12:15 Social Practices in Housing Intermediate Outdoor Spaces between Formal Design and Informal use. Case of study: Mass Housing in Algeria. Wiem Zerouati, Tahar Bellal
12:30 The Dynamic Use of the Linear Urban Spaces with Special Reference to Cairo, Egypt Ayman Wanas
12:45 Discussion
13:45 Lunch
14:00 Informal Sectors and the "Lived Space" Under-threat, A Case of Sham Shui Po, Hong Kong Chi Lap Jacky Lee
14:15 Trade and Collective Space in Santiago de Chile: Some Clues for Understanding the Contemporary Urban Space? Rocío Hidalgo
14:30 Housing Facilities for Collectors of Post-consumer Waste Clothing in Mumbai City Suman Mundkur
14:45 Markets and the Development of Oman’s Urban Network Mark Speece
15:05 Discussion
15:20 Coffee Break
15:35 “We Work it Out”: Informal Roma Settlements in Rome and the Limits of Tactical Urbanism Karen Bermann, Isabella Clough Marinaro
15:50 Comparative Study of Socio-spatial Segregation in Brazilian and Portuguese Cities: The Brazilian Legacy as Source of Analytical Concepts of Urban Informality Elena Tarsi
16:05 Crossing the Informal City: Traces between Cairo, Rome, Dar es Salaam Rossella Sordilli, Margherita Loddoni, Azzurra Sarnataro
16:20 The Use of Public Spaces in Naples. An Institutional Perspective Andrea Varriale
16:35 Discussion
16:50 Informality in Public Places: Streets, Squares, Passages and Urban Niches -The Case of Kadikoy Ayşe Yücel
17:05 Occupy Urban Space: Dialectic of Formality and Informality in Greece in the Era of Crisis Charalampos Tsavdaroglou, Vasiliki Makrygianni
17:20 Discussion
17:35 Discussion for Poster Presentations
Poster Presentation: Knowledge and Attitudes of Breast-self Examination among Kuwaitis’ Women Maha Al-sejari
Poster Presentation: The Creative City: An "Idea" or a Design Tool: The Case Study of Barcelona Eleni Gkoltsiou
09:00 The Post-Socialist Urban Restructuring in Romania: A Global Perspective on the Main Changes in the Romanian Cities Ioan Sebastian Jucu
09:15 Virtual Presentation: Urban Informality and Place Making in the “Gray Zones” of Urban Turkey Ilgın Erdem
09:30 Virtual Presentation: Form and Reality Marco Antonio Pulido
09:45 Virtual Presentation: Informal Economy as a Necesary Condition for Contemporary Accumulation Patterns. Lucas Cifuentes, Daniel Pérez
10:00 Gray Spacing: Informality and the Transformation of Urban Regimes Oren Yiftachel
10:30 Outruling Semi-formal Rules in Urban Development: A New Phase in the Commodification of Urban Space Elvan Gülöksüz
10:45 Beyond the Dichotomy Between Formality and Informality: Imagining a New Policy Approach in Urban Deprived Areas. The French and Italian Cases Carolina Mudan Marelli, Luca Daconto
11:00 Issue of contemporary urban planning Pasquale Mistretta, Sonia Pintus
11:15 Discussion
11:30 Coffee Break
11:45 Informality as Spatial Policy Erez Tzfadia
12:00 Informality: A Landscape Design Strategy A. Burcu Serdar Köknar, Meltem Erdem
12:15 Rubber Homes, Towards Integrating the Informal Into Architectural Practice Valeria Federighi
12:30 Discussion
12:45 Lunch
13:45 The Ambiguous Images of Kampungs and Kota: Conflict or Difference? Antony Sihombing
14:00 Urban Informality and the Struggle for Rights: the Sinuous Road to Citizenship Jan van Ballegooijen, Roberto Rocco
14:15 Urban Management a Means to Fight Against Social Segregation and Urban Insecurity Samia Rebouh, Khadidja Boughazi
14:30 Everyday Activities Capable of Hope: Informal Living and Urban Policies Maddalena Rossi, Chiara Belingardi
14:45 Discussion
15:05 Coffee Break
15:20 The Fault-lines of Informality: Document(ed) Claims to Entitlement in Urban Poor Spaces Tarangini Sriraman
15:35 Urbanization and Seismic Risk : Cross Review on the City of Algiers Khadidja Boughazi , Messaoud Aiche, Rebouh Samia
15:50 A Concise Critique on Informal Land Use in Athenian Suburbs: The Restrictions and the Potential ofLocal Authorities and National Policies. Efthimios Bakogiannis, Siti Maria
16:05 Discussion
16:20 Coffee Break
16:35 Corruption Affecting Cairo's Small Businesses in Formal and Informal Areas Ahmed Fayed
16:50 Promotion of Best Practices in Self-Help housing in Colombia. Acknowledging Realities and Overcoming Paradigms. Carlos Fernando Agudelo, Luz Amparo Mendez
17:05 "Nomadism or Segregation? New Planning Issues in Hidden Neighborhoods" Simonetta Armondi
17:20 Typo Morphological Reading of auto-built Habitat: Case of Menaa, Region of the Aures Djemaa Barrou, Akila Benbouaziz, Djamal Alkama